Wednesday, 11 September 2024

STCU News and Announcements


20 Aug 2004 - 20 Oct 2004


Target Training Programs (TTP) are composed of two major blocks: trainings for STCU recipient countries Technical Units (TU) and trainings for STCU staff. TTPs are aimed at helping managers and directors of scientific institutions in acquiring specific skills needed to succeed in international business and scientific environments. TTPs ensure the STCU recipient country’s TUs develop well-prepared promo materials for their institutions and technologies.

The Target Training Programs cover different training needs of scientists depending on the commercialization stage of their projects, and include:

1. Computer-Based Training (CBT). CBT is intended to provide general and introductory types of training developed for a CD-ROM format to a large group of people. It includes the following modules:
• IPR Protection;
• Basics of Technology Commercialization and Transfer;
• Market Strategy Development and Sales in the Scientific Sector;
• Strategy of Effective Presentations of a Project to the business and industry community.
Additional modules may also be included as needed.

2. Hot Lines (HL) is a resource center intended to provide information, advice, and reference materials on business development, technology commercialization, IPR protection, locating a suitable commercial partners and other in the on-line mode. Scientists submit a request for information or consultancy are provided with needed information or referred to an expert or to other available resources.

3. Partner Event Preparation (PEP) In coordination with partnering events, short courses are conducted to prepare STCU scientists on how to deliver presentations, prepare materials for foreign partners, and how to deliver the so-called “elevator speech.” PEP ensures the invited institutions to have well-prepared presentations, depending on the purpose of their visit and their audience, which include
• Business missions to present the scientific institute potential
• Business missions to present identified technologies
• Specialized Expos abroad
• STCU workshops
The program features a combination of presentations, case studies, group discussions, individual coaching, intensive question and answer sessions and expert analyses. It covers the following topics:
• Presentation Techniques
• Technical Aspects of Presentations
• How to Optimize Your Time at a Trade Fair or Exhibition
PEP is conducted ad hoc on the request of the STCU Travel Grant Coordinator, organizers of STCU business missions, STCU Project Coordinators or partners. PEP also ensures that each scientist who receives a travel grant for participation in various events is trained by the STCU before the event.

4. Commercialization Short Course. (CSC) This course is an introduction to the commercialization process and is an essential part of TTP. It covers the following topics:
• grant writing,
• intellectual property management,
• patent procedures,
• commercialization and communication of research results.
CSC will help project managers better understand the basic issues they need to consider when taking a new technology to the marketplace. This course will benefit project teams with marketable products, project managers and scientists planning projects. CSC will require preliminary screening of projects to identify those in need of commercialization support. CSC will be conducted on the planned basis in-house and customized to an Institute’s or project’s requirements. The training team will include experts on identified topics, STCU specialists, STCU PCs.

5. Business Coaching. (BC) This program is intended to assist scientists in bringing their new products to the market. The method used will be to place business professionals with scientists who are planning to market a new product and addresses the following issues:
• Planning and implementing the marketing, technical, business and legal steps, determining the people and skills needed in the investigation, development and market penetration phases of commercialization of a product or service

6. English Language Training. Specialized business English courses will also be introduced.

7. STCU Staff Training Modules.

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