STCU News and Announcements
STCU Hosts Sustainability Program Meetings in Ukraine
165/48724 Sep 2008
STCU hosted two meetings that advanced two of its flagship sustainability development programs: the Institute Sustainability Program and the Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Program. Both of these programs aim to reduce WMD proliferation incentives by developing the self-reliance of former weapon scientists and institutes in civilian R&D activities.
On 8 September, at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, STCU launched the pilot phase of its Institute Sustainability Program, which will assist selected institutes in better achieving long-term self-sustainability through strategic planning and organizational improvements. Executives from seven Ukrainian institutes participated in program presentations and discussions, provided by STCU staff and expert consultants.
On 9 September (also at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute), a meeting of STCU-trained Chief Technology Commercialization Officers (CTCOs) initiated the creation of a new Ukrainian CTCO Association, similar to the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) in United States and the Association of European Science and Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP). Other meeting participants included officials from the Ukrainian Ministry of Economics, Ministry Education & Science, the State Agency of Investments and Innovations, and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.