Friday, 26 April 2024

"From Science to Business" – Workshop in Kiev

In line with the Center main objectives, the Workshop serves the purpose of bringing former Soviet Weapon Scientists to Civilian Business. The focus will be specifically on delivering know-how to Ukrainian Scientists. Simultaneously the event shall offer Foreign Companies a platform to initiate relations leading possibly to industrial research and technology transfer opportunities. Day One (Wednesday Oct. 11) will gather some 200 pre-selected Local Scientists and deliver them most up-to-date presentations and speeches by Key Speakers from STCU Funding Parties Countries and NATO "Security Through Science" Program. The themes selected are: Technology Transfer Issues, Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Mechanisms of Commercializing Research Results and Methods for Attracting Financing. A Press conference is scheduled and Participants will be walked through a Technology Exhibition where Ukrainian Scientists will defend their posters. Day Two (Thursday Oct. 12) will give the occasion for a reduced number of Local Scientists (100 also pre-identified), to split between five Panel Groups, and to engage in a real dialogue with Company representatives. Each Group shall focus on debating innovative technologies and potential commercialization. To the left are listed the Exhibited Technology Profiles and below the Workshop details.

Renewable Energy and Energy-Conservation Technologies
Biomedical Technology and Medical Instrumentation
New materials and Nanotechnology
Nuclear Energy and Safety


Foreign Companies & Participants
Ukrainian Scientific Participants
Speaker's Presentation Abstracts
For More Information on STCU
Workshop Press Release (PDF)

Section I - Foreign Companies & Participants from Canada, European Union and United States

List of registered Foreign Companies and Participants

Workshop Cooperation with NATO "Security Through Science" Program

The STCU and NATO join forces and resources to have a NATO Key Speaker presenting how the Organization offers its support to the Scientific Community, and also have displayed concrete achievements under the auspices of the "Security Through Science" Program. For more details on this program please point your browsers to

Workshop Information Package for participating Foreign Companies

Click here for details on:Local Logistics / Maps / Hotels / Translation Services / Visa & Other Useful Information

Foreign Participants and Companies Registration

We strongly encourage our readers to take the opportunity of our event to come and visit Ukraine, feel by yourself the Technical Capacity of the Scientists and possibly start a dialogue with a counterpart through the assistance of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. We do not take registration fees, you are only asked to cover all your travel, accommodation and local expenses. However, we do require you fill the "Registration Form" and email it or fax to the attention of the Workshop Coordinator. Then, we will send you back a confirmation email as the Workshop is an event with controled access. If you agree, we shall include the name of your Company in our list of Foreign Participants that will be included at some stage on this webpage (tick box in the Registration Form).

Agenda of the Workshop

First Day:

Plenary Session / Technology Exhibition / Press Conference / Evening Cocktail

Speeches Tentative Themes: Technology Transfer Issues, Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Mechanisms of Commercializing Research Results and Methods for Attracting Financing

Second Day:

Panel Groups Discussions (5 sections) / Ongoing Technology Exhibition

Sections: - Biomedical Technology and Medical Instrumentation / - New materials and Nanotechnology / - Aerospace / - Renewable Energy and Energy-Conservation Technologies / - Nuclear Energy and Safety

Matchmaking Process Explained

The event is meant to bring knowledge on Commercialization, but it is also a true occasion to have matchmaking materialize. This process requires preliminary contacts are established and therefore the Virtual Exhibition Section was developed on this web page. From the Sectors selected or from the Technology Profile Forms that will be gradually introduced, we suggest interested Companies and other Participants send us expressions of interest. The STCU five Senior Specialists in charge of the five key areas will then directly assist in preliminary contacts to be established before the event itself. As the Workshop is scheduled to take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday, we highly recommend Interested Parties enter into private arrangements with Ukrainian Scientists to further meet, and eventually organize site visits during the Friday. Please understand the STCU may only offer support to establishment of preliminary contacts and cannot provide Translation, Extensive Organization, Transport or any Financial support to this.

Technology Exhibition Details

Along with other sessions, the Workshop will feature a stand alone Technology Exhibition of promising Ukrainian R&D Technologies and Processes coming from Local Institutes and Technical Units. The Technology Exhibition will be ongoing during both days of the Workshop and will present 35 Research Posters. Each of them will describe activities and achievements. The main purpose of the Technology Exhibition is providing Ukrainian scientists a platform to meet local and foreign industries and initiate industrial oriented research and technology transfer. You will have a unique networking opportunity of meeting the best Ukrainian scientists and discussing their possible engagement in applied R&D and further cooperation. The Technology Exhibition will present the latest achievements in the five selected Workshop thematic areas.

Panels Discussion Groups

Panel Discussions will take place on Second Day and will be focused on presenting Innovative Technologies and Success Stories by Ukrainian Scientists. This should enhance commercialization visibility for these technologies and utilization of local research capacities. Hopefully each Panel is planned to include small expert groups for consultation on Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Venture Capital/Fund Raising issues.

Panel discussions will be open for all foreign companies and individuals interested in networking with Ukrainian R&D institutes and Technical Units working in the selected five thematic spheres of this Workshop. We recommend each person attends only one Discussion Group and welcome any queries to assist you in selecting which one to choose, or why send a person to a specific one.

Press Conference Information and Workshop Press Release

Around Noon of Day 1, a press conference for local and foreign media will take place. The STCU Executive Director Mr. Andrew Hood, President and CEO of United States Industry Coalition Dr. Victor Alessi, representatives from the European Union, Canada and NATO, Ukrainian government and Academy of Sciences officials will hold a joint press conference. Media will be broadly represented by newspapers, magazines and television, and will be given about 45 minutes to ask questions and take interviews. Journalists will have an opportunity to browse the Technology Exhibition beforehand. A Press Release for this event is available here. We kindly ask the Press to receive our accreditation by contacting the Workshop Coordinator.

Section II - Ukrainian Scientific Participants

Foreign Participants Section

Trainings to gain Efficiency in Oral & Written Presentations (UA/RU/EN)

Additional Background Educational and Preparatory Material (UA/RU/EN)

The STCU develops courses for Scientists as part of the Targeted Training. Following is a selection of the most relevant ones (presentations only, no video materials proposed here):

In Russian: "Основы коммерциализации: как удачные научные разработки находят путь в бизнес", "Бизнес-планирование", "Маркетинг", "Инструменты стратегического менеджмента"

In Ukrainian: "Процедура патентування", "Питання ліцензування", "Процес патентування", "Техніки презентації та продажів для вчених: поради та підказки".

And as of 15 May this course will be added: "Стратегія управління об'єктами інтелектуальної власності: від наукової ідеї до успіху на ринку"

Section III - Key Speakers Presentations and Downloadable Abstracts

Name, Position and Organization Presentation Title and File Details English Ukrainian Russian
Mr. Boris Tarasyuk, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (letter read by Mr. Vladislav Yasniuk) pdf file
Mr. Victor Alessi, President & CEO, United States Industry Coalition, USA "Technology Commercialization In Ukraine" presentation file
Mrs. Laura Schmidt, Deputy Executive Director of International Science & Technology Centre New ISTC Commercialization Support Services" presentation file presentation file
Mr. Peter Bates, Counsellor, Deputy Head of the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine word file
Mr. Judson R. Hightower, Intellectual Property Managing Attorney Protection of Intellectual Property Resulting from STCU Projects presentation file
Mr. Pierre Brisson, Former Head of Technology Transfer Program of European Space Agency How to Create Business with Space Developed Technologies presentation file

Section IV - More Information on STCU Activities

For More Information on STCU Actitvities
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