STCU News and Announcements
Intellectual Property Rights and Science: building a business on your Ideas
85/48727 Sep 2005 - 28 Sep 2005
STCU Workshop: Intellectual Property Rights and Science: building a business on your Ideas
September 27-28, 2005
Baku, Azerbaijan
This Workshop was planned in a series of the STCU training events assisting scientists in their sustainability efforts. More than 50 Azeri and Georgian scientists were selected to participate in order to obtain an improved understanding of Intellectual Property Rights, licensing and other related issues. It will help them in commercializing their technologies, exploiting intellectual property and finding partners.
Our speakers will be: Mark R. Powell, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Judson R. Hightower, Associate General Counsel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Vic Korsun, Consultant Coordinator, Science Centers Partners Program, US Department of State. Their presentations will contain tutorial materials and discuss practical questions as well. The STCU IPR guidelines and procedures will also be presented to Azeri and Georgian scientists.
You can read the presentations in both English and Russian on the links below.
"STCU Guidance and Procedures" Judson R. Hightower Associate General Counsel Oak Ridge National Laboratory (eng)
"STCU Guidance and Procedures" Judson R. Hightower Associate General Counsel Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ru)
"What Does it Take to Succeed in Business?" Vic Korsun Consultant Coordinator, Science Centers Partners Program (eng)
"What Does it Take to Succeed in Business?" Vic Korsun Consultant Coordinator, Science Centers Partners Program (ru)
"The Patent Process" Mark R. Powell U. S. Patent & Trademark Office(eng)
"The Patent Process" Mark R. Powell U. S. Patent & Trademark Office (ru)
The Workshop will also feature panel discussions and case studies provided by the most successful Azeri and Georgian Entrepreneurs.
For additional information please contact Elvira Sharma, Project Event and Training Officer, at the e-mail