STCU News and Announcements
Grant-Writing Workshop “Strengthening Ability to Compete for STCU Grants” for Moldavian Scientists to be Held in Chisinau, Moldova
99/49602 Mar 2006
March 02, 2006
Grant-Writing Workshop “Strengthening Ability to Compete for STCU Grants” for Moldavian Scientists to be Held in Chisinau, Moldova.
The Grant-Writing Workshop was designed in the framework of the STCU training programs assisting scientists in their sustainability efforts.
The Workshop will be focused on strengthening researchers’ skills in approaching Western funding organizations to obtain financial support for their basic and applied work. This event will take scientists step-by-step though all of the stages of the grant proposal process and will cover large number of topics, including: how to apply for STCU grants; what information to include; STCU approach to project funding; the role of foreign collaborators and sustainable planning.
The scientists from Moldova will have the opportunity to obtain more information on STCU activities and programs and to have the individual meetings and discussions with STCU staff.