Thursday, 12 September 2024

STCU News and Announcements

STCU Delegation Finds Opportunities at BIO 2006 Conference

03 May 2006
STCU Delegation Finds Opportunities at BIO 2006 ConferenceSTCU Delegation Finds Opportunities at BIO 2006 Conference

The STCU delegation of leading life sciences researchers and bio-entrepreneurs from Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan participated in the Biotechnology Industry Organization’s Annual Meeting in Chicago, from 9 – 12 April 2006 (
A “Biotechnology – Ukraine - 2006” brochure* was specifically developed for this event and highlighted unique capabilities and novel technologies.
The STCU delegation, a part of a 60-member delegation from CIS countries, has been sponsored by the BioIndustry Initiative (BII) ( of the U.S. Department of State.
The CIS delegation and Eurasia Booth in the BIO2006 Exhibition Hall was organized cooperatively by a team of the BII, STCU, and the International Science & Technology Center, Moscow (ISTC, The team has been also facilitating a search for investment, licensing & partnership opportunities for researchers and entrepreneurs from CIS countries.
Additionally, on April 8, 2006, the BII Review meeting was held in Chicago to discuss the results of BII projects conducted in Russia and Kazakhstan and prospects for the future including the commercialization and sustainability of those results and ideas concerning other CIS countries. A training session on project proposals submission to BII program was provided for STCU delegation members by the BII and STCU representatives in Chicago, on April 10, 2006.

* A copy of the “Biotechnology – Ukraine - 2006” brochure is available on your request.

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