STCU News and Announcements
European Union Science Advisors Meeting, Kyiv, 28 October, 2008
167/48703 Nov 2008
During a one-day meeting in Ukraine, EU Science Advisors Professor Andre Syrota (General Director of INSERM), Dr. Helmut Holtbecker, Mrs. Estelle Emeriau, and Mr. Jurgen Sanders (of the European Commission Directorate General for Research) discussed STCU project proposals for the upcoming 27th STCU Governing Board Meeting, as well as thematic priorities for possible future STCU programmatic focus. The event took place along with meetings with the STCU Management, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and with several visits to Ukrainian relevant institutes.
The EU Science Advisors assist the STCU Secretariat and European Commission in facilitating scientific reviews of project proposals and the smooth running of proposals processing system. They screen the European-based scientific assessments of proposals, and after analysis, provide scientific policy advice on the fields covered by the STCU.