STCU News and Announcements
5th Investment Seed Forum was held at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in Kyiv
202/48711 May 2010 - 30 May 2010
On 28 April, STCU participated in the 5th Investment Seed Forum, organized by the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine. Speakers included Victor Ivchenko (Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine), H.E. Mr. Olaf Berstad (Norwegian Ambassador to Ukraine), and Steiner Corsmo (President and General Director of “Seed Forum International”). Approximately 150 participants saw 8 investor presentations given by Ukrainian, Norwegian, and Latvian companies.
During the presentations, 3 scientists-entrepreneurs sponsored by STCU presented their start-up company proposals, based on their technologies that are ready for commercialization. During this event, an STCU booth offered STCU promotional materials and technology profile forms to potential investors and visitors. STCU-trained Chief Technology Commercialization Officers and STCU Institute Sustainability Program participants also promoted their institutes’ technologies.
The Seed Forum provides new start-up companies with investor readiness and investor matchmaking opportunities. The Seed Forum gives start-up companies seeking capital an opportunity to present their business concepts to investors at investor matchmaking forums. The companies are nominated, selected and trained by the Seed Forum trainers to help the companies improve their presentations to investors.