STCU News and Announcements
Georgia Meeting with the Director of Institute of Metallurgy and Materials
276/49605 May 2014
In April, 2014 Vic Korsun, Deputy Executive Director (US) met with the Director of Institute of Metallurgy and Materials, Dr. Giorgi Tavadze, to discuss STCU transformational changes, STCU’s Partner program, and recommendations for scientific and educational leadership in Georgia through technology transfer, commercialization and start-up companies. A Roundtable meeting, presentation and discussions were held with approximately 30 scientists at the institute. Discussions were fruitful.
On a further visit I met with the scientists to go over strategy for patenting, and for promotion and development of their technologies to seek partners for further development and possibly commercialization. The technology involves cleaning waste water of certain difficult and toxic pollutants, along with creation of Hydrogen as a fuel.