STCU News and Announcements
European Union Launched Project to Enhancing regional CBRN detection capacity for the Border Guards in Ukraine and Moldova
291/48707 Apr 2016 - 08 Apr 2016
In Ukraine and Moldova radioisotopes are used in medicine, industry, agriculture, scientific research, education and other spheres of the national economy.
Based on open sources, several incidents have been reported in the region involving radioactive sources. In 1989 a 137Ñs radioactive source (activity 4,22∙1010 Bq) was detected in the wall of a dwelling house in Kramatorsk. Gamma radiation dose rate at the surface of the wall in the building made 200 R/hr, leading to four known fatalities. The source was identified, withdrawn and placed for temporary storage to the special enterprise Ukrainian State Enterprise “Radon”. Later on it was determined that the source was used by the quarries of Donetsk region for mining of granite which is used by the local plant to produce panels.
During the last four years, around 100 cases of illicit trafficking of RN materials have been detected by the Ukrainian Authorities. Giving the current situation it is clear that the control of the borders for illicit trafficking of CBRN materials needs to be reinforced.
All across the region intermediate-level and low-level radioactive sources connected with the former military activities/sites and enterprises, which used radioactive materials and which were liquidated in 90-ies, as well as dangerous chemical substances still remain a problematic issue nowadays.
Taking into account that CBRN materials may be used for criminal purposes, enhancing the detection and identification capacities of the authorities is crucial to the regional security. In addition, giving the situation both of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Border there is a clear need to support the authorities to detect and identify CBRN materials using mobile equipment, not only at the borders but also inside the territory.
The EU through STCU has purchased equipment worth ˆ 3.65m to enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian State Border Guards to detect and identify chemical, radiological and nuclear materials both at the border crossing checkpoints and inside their territory. The equipment includes: mobile detection laboratories; gamma and neutron detectors; personal dosimeters; chemical detectors; and isolating protective wear.
Background information
The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to non-proliferation of technologies and expertise related to weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and their delivery systems ( ).
For more information, please contact Elena Taberko, tel.: +38044 490 71 50; email: