Wednesday, 19 February 2025

STCU News and Announcements

Successful Completion of the Project “Customs Clearance and Customs Control of Dual-Use Goods”

12 Feb 2024
Successful Completion of the Project “Customs Clearance and Customs Control of Dual-Use Goods”

In the period May 01, 2021 – November 01, 2023, four teams from Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine implemented the project “Customs Clearance and Customs Control of Dual-Use Goods”. It was carried out within the Targeted Initiative funded by the European Union that aims to raise CBRN awareness in member countries of the STCU, and enhance the effectiveness of export control systems for dual-use items and related materials, equipment, and technologies through the provision of the necessary training and educational programs.
In project implementation participated:
• Institute of Radiation Problems of Azerbaijan
• Revenue Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia
• The Customs Service of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova
• Scientific and Technical Center on Export and Import of Special Technologies, Hardware and Materials, NGO, Ukraine.
Being located in strategic geographic areas and under military threats, the STCU recipient countries are facing numerous challenges and many difficulties that should be aimed at minimizing the risks to their national and global security following the obligations under the non-proliferation regimes associated with the countering illegal movement of strategic goods and hazardous materials.
The proliferation of dual-use CBRN goods leads to major risks for the development of weapons of mass destruction. Lack of knowledge in this vast and important domain creates preconditions for both terrorist and extremist criminal groups for goods and technologies proliferation to build weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems, posing threats to national and regional stability and security.
The main goal of the project was to provide customs officials with practical reference materials, guidance, and advice on export control issues based on reliable updated information that was reflected in the final Handbook publication. The Handbook contains a short description of the European Union export control system, including legal regulation, licensing system, identification of controlled goods and technologies, control lists, customs control and clearance procedures, government enforcement, and analysis of national aspects and peculiarities of the export control system of GUAM countries.
The Handbook will raise awareness among all stakeholders involved in the international trade of strategic goods, in export control issues, especially concerning the identification, classification, and policy analysis of dual-use goods. This publication served as a manual for customs officials to help them better deal with export control issues in their day-to-day work, provide guidance on how to easily solve issues with strategic goods transactions, and provide up-to-date information. The elaborated handbook will facilitate receiving feedback and contribute to the development of public-private partnerships in strategic trade controls, which is a prerequisite for the national export control system to improve.

PDF file Download the Handbook

Contact Person: Alfreda Rosca

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