STCU News and Announcements
STCU Conducts Workshop on Commercializing Intellectual Property
50/49621 Sep 2004 - 21 Dec 2004

On September 14-15, 2004 the STCU in collaboration with the journal Intellectual Property held a workshop entitled Commercializing Intellectual Property. The purpose of the Workshop was to raise awareness among Ukrainian scientists about national and international intellectual property and licensing issues when commercializing their technologies, exploiting intellectual property and finding partners.
The Workshop focused on the growing importance of intellectual assets to encourage innovation and continuous technological improvements. A secondary purpose of the event was to present draft STCU IPR guidelines that explain the Center’s process of protecting Intellectual Property which has resulted from STCU projects.
The workshop featured panel discussions and plenary meetings with the participation of Ukrainian government and scientific officials (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Supreme Rada Committee on Science) as well as lawyers specializing in the protection of Intellectual Property. One full day was devoted to training on patenting procedures, licensing, and other related issues led by foreign and Ukrainian IPR specialists. Over 100 Ukrainian scientists and intellectual property managers attended the two-day event.