STCU News and Announcements
STCU Makes Presentation at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Seminar
77/48715 Apr 2005
On April 15, 2005, STCU Azerbaijan Information Officer Dr. Adalat Hasanov, made a presentation at a seminar organized by the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) entitled “International Scientific Collaboration: Possibilities for Young Azerbaijani Scientists”.
The purpose of this seminar was to focus the attention of the new generation of young ANAS scientists on current scientific opportunities for the development of international scientific relations through international support programs operating in Azerbaijan.
Invited to the seminar as lecturers were representatives of various international support programs pertaining to science and educational development. Along with the STCU participants included representatives of INTAS, CRDF, IREX, the European RTD Framework Programme, DAAD “Postgraduate Education Opportunity in UK”, as well as representatives of the Embassy of France and Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Japan in Azerbaijan.