STCU News and Announcements
Thematic International Conference on Bio-, Nano- and Space Technologies
163/48707 Apr 2008 - 26 Apr 2008
Thematic International Conference on Bio-, Nano- and Space Technologies, E U & Science Centers Collaboration, Ljubljana, Slovenia March 10-12, 2008
STCU jointly organized a conference with ISTC, hosting European Union Commissioner for Research and Science, Mr. Janez Potočnik. The event took place in Ljubljana, and combined several thematic areas throughout a period of 3 days. A total of 60 presentations and speeches were delivered with a very high level involvement from both STCU-ISTC Recipient Countries as well as from Slovenia with Representatives form the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Slovenian Research Agency and Institute Jožef Stefan.
Commissioner Potočnik with STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood
The conference linked Scientists from National Laboratories and Institutes, Government Agencies, University Professors, Private Company representatives, International Organizations, and Embassies. The main purpose was to foster former weapon scientists to promote themselves and to help them secure financing for future research activities. After the official opening on the Monday morning, a first dedicated series of general science overviews were delivered. Then, day two was dedicated to Aerospace, and day three held in parallel a Workshop on Biotechnologies and one on Nanotechnologies and New Materials. Finally, Scientists had an opportunity to organize a series of targeted visits and develop extensive networking.
Commissioner Potočnik with STCU Chairman of Governing Board Zoran Stančič, STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood, Deputy Executive Director EU Michel Zayet, and participating Senior Specialists, Mykhaylovska, Taberko and Us.
Speeches and Presentations from the Conference may be downloaded from this webpage: In support to the event presentations, we recommend browsing STCU Technology Profile Forms from our website at Technology Marketplace section.