STCU News and Announcements
The Ambassador of Sweden visits STCU 7 May, 2009
182/48708 May 2009
On 7 May, H.E. Ambassador Stefan Gullgren of Sweden met with STCU Executive Director Andrew Hood to discuss STCU activities and possible new types of STCU-Swedish cooperation. Mr. Ulf Sör, Counsellor of the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, accompanied Ambassador Gullgren to the meeting. Ambassador Gullgren and Executive Director Hood exchanged ideas on potential program areas where STCU and Swedish agencies might find mutual interests and synergies in cooperative participation in nonproliferation, broader security issues such a bio-security and climate change, and general science cooperation. Sweden is one of the four Founding Parties of the STCU, and while the Swedish representation on the STCU Governing Board was assumed by the European Union in 1998, Sweden retained a close relationship with STCU, and is now looking to re-energize that relationship.