STCU News and Announcements
Institute Sustainability Round-Tables
206/48728 Sep 2010 - 12 Oct 2010
From 28 Septemter throught 1 October, under the STCU’s Chief Technology Commercialization Officer Program (CTCO) and the Institute Sustainability Program, STCU sponsored 3 round tables in Chisinau, Moldova, Baku, Azerbaijan, and Tbilisi, Georgia, where Institute Sustainability project representatives from 3 Ukrainian institutes shared their experience, strategies and problems with about 140 participants and representatives of different Institutes and universities.
Agenda included presentations about Institute sustainability development, growth strategies from:
* Dr. Valeriy Tyshchenko, Institute of Physics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
* Dr. Oleksandr Kogut, Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
* Dr.Olga Markova, Institute of Technical Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, National Space Agency of Ukraine
In the presentations, speakers showed how they find new contacts for their research, how their technology transfer offices operate, how to conduct negotiations with potential partners, intellectual property role and other important questions related to technology transfer, commercialization and partner projects.
Vic Korsun, STCU Deputy Executive Director (USA) also made a presentation, “One Possible Growth Model for Institutes and Universities”.