STCU News and Announcements
Georgian Competitiveness Workshop
207/48727 Oct 2010 - 02 Nov 2010
On 27-28 October, STCU sponsored a Georgian Competitiveness Roundtable Workshop at the Georgian Technical University in Tbilisi. The workshop, “How Can Georgian Scientific Developments Make Georgia More Competitive in the World”, was intended to focus discussions on—and build awareness of—the Georgian needs in raising its competitiveness in today’s global knowledge economy. Over 50 participants took part in the workshop, and the workshop included presentations on Georgian competitiveness by Georgian government officials and scientific leaders, and interactive SWOT analysis by roundtable participants, and the beginning developments of an Action Plan by the participants.
The workshop aim was to foster strategic thinking and ideas on how Georgian science and scientific developments can improve the environment for competitiveness in Georgia, how science and scientific developments can stimulate growth of the regional economy, stimulate the investment climate, creation of high-technology companies in the region, creation of high-technology jobs needed to encourage younger scientists to remain in Georgia.
The event was organized by Mr. Akaki Peikershvili, STCU Regional Officer, , and by Dr. Givi Kochoradze EC ICT NCP in Georgia, ŃŇŃÎ, Executive Director of the International Center for Advancement of Research, Technology & Innovation (ICARTI)