Wednesday, 11 September 2024

STCU News and Announcements

STCU participated in AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers) Annual Meeting (Las Vegas, NV February 27 – March 2).

27 Feb 2011 - 02 Mar 2011
STCU participated in AUTM  Annual Meeting

STCU participated in AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers) Annual Meeting (Las Vegas, NV February 27 – March 2). STCU brought three CTCO’s from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine in order to develop partner relations with western companies and to establish meaningful cooperation with their western colleagues. This mission aimed to teach our CTCO’s best practices in technology transfer performed by leading Technology Transfer Offices of US Universities.

During the mission, our CTCO’s representatives met with a number of leading Bio and Pharma western companies, such as Merck, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, etc. Prior to this AUTM Annual Meeting, training courses on Technology Marketing and Technology Valuation were given.

AUTM's global network of members come from more than 350 universities, research institutions, teaching hospitals and government agencies as well as hundreds of companies involved with managing and licensing innovations derived from academic and nonprofit research.
The association was founded in 1974 as the Society of University Patent Administrators with the objective of addressing a concern that inventions funded by the U.S. government were not being commercialized effectively. Through the years AUTM has grown beyond this single objective and now provides professional development and networking opportunities for technology transfer professionals at all career levels and from established and newly forming organizations worldwide.
AUTM provides numerous resources for members including survey reports, professional development courses, a comprehensive training manual, peer-reviewed journal and a worldwide community of peers with expertise in all areas of intellectual property management.

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