STCU News and Announcements
CBRN CoE Project 31, Preliminary Meeting in Kiev, 02 October 2013
259/48711 Oct 2013
STCU organized and hosted in Kyiv the first preliminary meeting of the European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear ( CBRN ) Centers of Excellence (CoE) Project 31.
This project is about establishing a network of Universities and Institutes targeted to receive specialized training materials for professional scientists and students in order to raise their awareness in relations to possible dual-use of chemicals.
The meeting was the first occasion for the network regional stakeholders from Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan to consider the full scope of their own environments against the background of the project goals and tentative implementation calendar. Project 31 Consortium Lead Partner from ENEA, Italy, detailed the main meeting objectives, targeting at consolidation and expansion of the network in the region in order to achieve best efficiency in reaching project goals.
Several practical issues were addressed like the website common platform for dissemination of trainings, or the choice of a local language for the Training Materials. These resulted in improving the development of next coming Project activities.