STCU News and Announcements
CSCA Inauguration and Promoting Security Culture in Southeast Asia
279/48729 Sep 2014 - 03 Oct 2014
On 29 September -3 October the Ukrainian Delegation represented by Ms. Natalya Klos, Leading Specialist of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine and Ms. Iryna Rogovchenko, STCU Transformation Coordinator participated in the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN)'s event, Promoting Security Culture in Southeast Asia, taking place in Indonesia.
At this event experts from BATAN and its partners including the Center for International Trade and Security (CITS) at the University of Georgia (USA) shared their insights in the concept of nuclear security culture as well as its assessment and enhancement methodologies. This event is based on BATAN's successful pilot project to test the emerging IAEA methodology of self-assessing nuclear security culture at its three research reactors (2012-2013), which later led to the establishment in Serpong the Center for Security Culture and Assessment (CSCA) as an expert and training hub nationally and internationally.
The conference was held in cooperation with the IAEA, Center for International Trade and Security of the University of Georgia (CITS) and supported by UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the Partnership for Nuclear Security (PNS) and Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY). The event was attended by the number of international experts from USA, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Marocco, Vietnam, Ukraine and many others that shows greater interest in exploring and developing CBRN security culture internationally.
The objectives of the conference were to:
▪ Formally inaugurate the BATAN Center for Security Culture and Assessment
established earlier in 2014 as a contribution to the Nuclear Security Summit in the
Hague and review its future programmatic activity.
▪ Discuss the role of culture in supporting and enhancing nuclear security
throughout BATAN infrastructure and possible contribution to this process by
other national stakeholders.
▪ Share the final results and implications of the pilot project to assess nuclear
security culture at three research reactors in Serpong, Yogyakarta, and Bandung.
▪ Review security culture related programs and activity implemented by other
governments and regional organizations.
▪ Explore opportunities for collaboration with think tanks and training centers in the
region and beyond.
▪ Identify potential counterparts for implementing joint projects for security culture
self-assessment and enhancement projects in Indonesia and beyond.
▪ Discuss a mechanism of transforming nuclear security culture methodologies for
application to other security domains, i.e. chemical and biological.
Ms. Rogovchenko highlighted STCU activities and its role in developing CBRN security culture
in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and emphasized that this area requires continued effort and support from all stakeholders.
STCU and CITS discussed mutual goals and possible programmatic activities which is an important step to further development of self-assessment projects in GUAM Region. At this stage CITS, STCU and the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry are in the process of drafting a trilateral Memorandum, which is a high level agreement on the need for the promotion of a culture of security among former weapon scientists and CBRN experts via trainings, workshops and other educational means and the next step to develop a cooperation platform to aid in the prevention of proliferation and security of all vulnerable nuclear materials.