STCU News and Announcements
STCU participated in the International Conference “The Future of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Central Asia, Afghanistan and further countries from the region – approaches, achievements and challenges”.
281/48707 Oct 2014 - 08 Oct 2014
On 7-8 October, 2014 the International Conference “The Future of Biosafety and Biosecurity in Central Asia, Afghanistan and further countries from the region – approaches, achievements and challenges” was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. This conference was hosted by GIZ (Deutche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit) program with financial support from the German Partnership Program for Excellence in Biological and Health Security on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office.
The conference was aimed at a common understanding of Biosafety and Biosecurity and raising awareness on risks related to handling highly pathogenic agents. The event brought together specialists in the field of biological and health security from different sectors to exchange their experience and knowledge about the current Biosafety and Biosecurity situation; to learn from the best practices and to strengthen the network of Biosecurity and Biosafety specialists in the world.
The STCU Bio Senior Specialist Dr. Vlada Pashynska as an invited lecturer made a presentation on “Recent Biosafety and Biosecurity Initiatives of the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine” to share the STCU experience in implementation of biosafety and biosecurity related projects, including creation of the first modern Ukrainian Training Center in Biosafety and Biosecurity at the Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute in Odessa. Dr. Pashynska also highlighted STCU activities in securing the existing facility of the Ukrainian Anti-Plague Station in Simferopol and Center’s role in implementation of the international standard (CWA 15793:2008) on the management of bio-risks in the laboratory of Especially Dangerous Infections of the Central Sanitary Epidemiological Station of the Minister of Health of Ukraine, etc.
The conference offered an excellent opportunity for an update on current international Biosafety- and Biosecurity- related developments and to foster regional and international networking and partnerships between governmental and non-governmental organizations, international agencies, public centers, universities and private sector institutions.