STCU News and Announcements
EU CBRN CoE Project 3 Training Course conducted by National Experts for the selected Ukrainian National Participants, 19– 30 January 2015, Kyiv, Ukraine
286/48719 Jan 2015 - 30 Jan 2015
STCU in cooperation with Insubria Center on International Security, University of Insubria (Italy), organized and hosted in Kyiv a two week Training course for Ukrainian bio-specialists (National Participants) in the framework of the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence (CoE) Project “Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on bio-safety/bio-security/bio-risk management” .This project aims to promote sustainable knowledge development and transfer of best practice and excellence in topical issues on bio-safety, bio-security and bio-risk management.
The Palladin Institute of Biochemistry graciously hosted the Training course, and its researchers Dr. Galyna Gergalova and Dr. Yaroslava Maksymovych acted as trainers for 12 Ukrainian bio-specialists from universities and state institutions of Lviv, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Odessa and Kyiv.
The Training program consisted of four modules, and were developed in accordance with the concepts and training programs of WHO, and was approved as international training for the CIS countries, where National Expert participated as instructors.
The purpose of this Training course for NPs was to:
• Understand the key principles of risk assessment and risk mitigation that contribute to effective biorisk management
• Practice using a systematic method of assessment
• Utilize interactive training for adult learning «Train with brain in mind»
• Teach legal, ethical and environmental aspects of medical and biological research
This course was the last training foreseen in the framework of the EU CBRN CoE Project “Knowledge development and transfer of best practice on bio-safety/bio-security/bio-risk management”. However, the STCU will continue to further promote a culture of security among former weapon scientists and CBRN experts via trainings, workshops, conferences and other educational tools.