STCU News and Announcements
Summer Nuclear Forensics School September 13 – September 15, 2023, IDDA NRD, Azerbaijan
389/48713 Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2023
Ukrainian Science and Technology Center, Nuclear Research Department of Innovation and Digital Development Agency - Azerbaijan, Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, European Commission JRC and US DOE-NSDD invite senior students of science faculties from the GUAM member states (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) to the Nuclear Forensics Summer School. The goal of the school is to stimulate students' interest in continuing their studies in scientific disciplines related to nuclear forensics.
The summer school will be held at the Nuclear Research Department of Innovation and Digital Development Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan, from September 13 to September 15, 2023. Experts from Nuclear Forensics Laboratories of GUAM countries, from JRC Karlsruhe, and from US national laboratories will give lectures and conduct practical exercises on the analysis of nuclear and other radioactive materials.
The school will focus on using available instruments, equipment, and methods to characterize nuclear materials (such as uranium and plutonium), and other radioactive materials. Presentations will include scientific aspects, operational considerations as well as examples of real cases of nuclear or other radioactive material found out of regulatory control.
Training will be conducted in the following areas:
• Fundamentals of nuclear physics and radiochemistry
• Production and characteristics of nuclear materials
• Non-destructive analysis of nuclear and other radioactive materials
• Brief Reviews:
• Radiometry and Dosimetry;
• Alpha/Beta/Gamma Spectroscopic Methods;
• XRF analysis;
• Differential Thermal Analysis Method.
The program of the school involves a guided tour to the Nuclear Research Department.
The language of instruction is Russian with simultaneous translation into English.
Those who wish to participate in the Summer School should send an application, resume and letter of recommendation from a university teacher before June 30, 2023.
Foreign students will receive financial compensation for tickets to the Summer School and accommodation. All School participants are provided with meals, as well as grants.
Downloadable materials
Please send your applications for participation in the Summer School by e-mail: