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STCU Project Software Version History

STCUPS 3.0.6 Released

  • Monday 18 October 2010

STCU Project Software Updated to 3.0.6

  • Text and Spacing Changes to all Signature areas of the STCU PS
  • Documents for "STCU & NASU Targeted Research & Development Initiatives"

STCUPS 3.0.5 Released

  • Monday 08 December 2008

STCU Project Software Updated to 3.0.5

  • Text and Spacing Changes to all Signature areas of the STCU PS

STCUPS 3.0.1 Released

  • Monday 18 June 2007

STCU Project Software Updated to 3.0.1

  • Additional Partnership Fields added
  • Misc. Bug Fixes

STCUPS 3.0 Released

  • Tuesday 22 May 2007

STCU Project Software Updated to 3.0

  • Full compatability with Windows XP and Microsoft Office XP
  • Project proposal submittion for all Government and Non-Governement Partnership Projects
  • New design for an easier User Interface
  • Additional Help features
  • User Manual's in English, Russian and Ukrainian

STCUPS 2.2 Released

  • Wednesday 1 March 2006

STCU Project Software updated to v2.2

  • New Technology Areas
  • Elimination of Sub Contracts from the Budget Area of the STCU PS
  • All Annex's have been updated
  • Misc. Bug and Error corrections were completed.

STCUPS 2.1.3 Released

  • Tues 1 November 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.1.3

  • Elimanation of Multiple Equipment Entries in the Budget Area.
  • Changes to the Material Descriptions in the Budget Area.
  • Misc. Bug and Error corrections were completed.

STCUPS 2.1.2 Released

  • Fri 26 August 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.1.2

  • The Multiple Project Field for Scientists to input information related to other STCU Projects the Scientist has work on has been reactivated.
  • New areas of Material Descriptions have been added.
  • An area for input of the ZKPO Bank Code Information has been added.
  • Misc. Bug and Error corrections were completed.

STCUPS 2.1 Released

  • Fri 13 May 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.1

  • Increase of possible Project duration to 72 months
  • Adding a Position Description for Project Scientists and Participants assigned to a Project
  • The addition of the ability of the Project Software to track dollar amounts to two decimal points
  • Automatic Quarterly Overhead Calculations
  • The addition of specific data base information when printing specific reports

STCUPS 2.0.6 Released

  • Wed 25 Apr 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.6

  • Individual pieces of equipment will now be designated as "Leased" or "Not"

STCUPS 2.0.5 Released

  • Mon 18 Apr 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.5

  • Added Windows 98 compatibility

STCUPS 2.0.4 Released

  • Mon 4 Apr 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.4

  • Added scrollbar to "Short Summary" field in russian version
  • Added "Partner Type" field to the "Partners" tab for partner projects
  • Added "Variation Code description" to the "Budget" tab for partner projects
  • BUG FIX - Bug #3 fixed
  • BUG FIX - Bug #4 fixed
  • Now software supports 800x600 screen resolution

STCUPS 2.0.3 Released

  • Thu 25 Mar 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.3

  • "Submit" - Added scientists verification

STCUPS 2.0.2 Released

  • Fri 15 Mar 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.2

  • Added list of Organizations around "Stage field"
  • BUG FIX - Bug #2 fixed.

STCUPS 2.0.1 Released

  • Mon 3 Mar 2005

STCU Project Software updated to v2.0.1

  • BUG FIX - Bug #1 fixed.
  • Sustainability Documents: English version corrected
  • Sustainability Documents: Russian version now complete, not abridged
  • Proposal files renamed to: ####-P-EN, ####-P-RU, ####-P-UA, ####-P-Budget, where ####=Project Number
  • Summary Excel sheets combined onto one page
  • PREP file renamed to PPER, for Previous Professional Expert Review
  • Added Country to the list of Organizations
  • Changed Error message for Applications: "Email missing" only if field is blank
  • Added Warning message for Applications: "Email incomplete"

STCUPS 2.0 Released

  • Mon 14 Feb 2005

New Project Software released. All Stages of all Regular Projects must use STCUPS

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